SCBs logotypStatistics Sweden
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SNI search

SNI search lets you find which SNI code best corresponds to your company's activitiy. When you have found the right code, register it at the Swedish Tax Agency, e.g. via The Swedish Tax Agency only registers SNI codes for activities that have started or will start shortly.

It is important that you register the correct SNI as it is used for almost all economic statistics, but also for things that affect the company, e.g. the right to deductions, insurance premiums, creditworthiness, support for businesses, targeted information about rule changes in various industries, etc. Therefore, it is also important that you change your SNI code if the company changes activity. For questions, contact us via

Hierarchical view from SNI-2007

Section Activity
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
B Mining and quarrying
C Manufacturing
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
F Construction
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
H Transportation and storage
I Accommodation and food service activities
J Information and communication
K Financial and insurance activities
L Real estate activities
M Professional, scientific and technical activities
N Administrative and support service activities
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
P Education
Q Human health and social work activities
R Arts, entertainment and recreation
S Other service activities
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and sevices-producing activities of households for own use
U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies